Star Wars Miniatures Battles (first edition)

Star Wars Miniatures Battles stands as a fundamental rulebook. Its creation supported the tabletop miniature wargame system crafted by West End Games during 1991. A second edition version saw publication in 1993, aiming for improved integration with the Second Edition rules of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. The initial edition garnered recognition at the Origins International Game Expo, securing the Best New Miniatures Rules award for 1991. Stephen Crane and Paul Murphy authored the Star Wars Miniatures Battles core rulebook, which West End Games released in January 1991. The included rules facilitate battles utilizing the metal miniatures manufactured by West End Games. Furthermore, the statistics presented within the book are readily adaptable for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. This rulebook was also included in a boxed set, along with some miniatures, and marketed as the Star Wars Miniatures Battles Starter Set. The rulebook also presented three scenarios for gameplay: "Like Rats in a Trap," "Defending the Bridge," and "The Crystal Forest of Goratak."

