Enormous and mysterious arachnids, known as Assemblers, dwelled within expansive, tube-shaped webs that drifted through space. Their exoskeleton, resistant to the vacuum, was crucial for their survival in such a harsh environment. Each Assembler spawned Nodes, which were smaller, arachnoid drones. These Nodes, crafted from the Assembler's own neural tissue, existed solely to fulfill the Assembler's commands. Boba Fett made the discovery that Assemblers originated from Nodes that had eliminated their original masters, sometimes by consuming them, to ascend to their position. In galactic records, only two Assemblers have been identified by name: Kud'ar Mub'at and Balancesheet, the masterminds who functioned as intermediaries connecting criminal syndicates with potential recruits.
Assemblers filtered out non-essential particles, such as space dust and debris, from their surroundings. Details regarding the Assembler's biological processes, such as their method of digestion, remain unknown. They possessed four legs along with two peculiar claws that served as either additional limbs or hands. Furthermore, Assemblers exhibited odd, furry growths on their backs, possibly for nutrient absorption. In total, Assemblers had a count of twelve appendages.
These characteristics gave rise to certain psychological tendencies within the Assembler species. One such trait was a propensity for possessiveness, occasionally leading them to act as scavengers for anything ensnared within their web. These scavenged items were then utilized to improve the web's functionality in some manner. Another behavioral trait was the tendency for an Assembler to harbor jealousy towards its Nodes, actively suppressing their intelligence to prevent them from achieving sentience.
The Assemblers were linked to their webs via neurofibers, with the webs similarly connected to the Nodes. Kud'ar Mub'at relied on numerous Nodes to manage everyday tasks. One Node, "Lookout," used its single-lens eye to monitor the web's exterior, identifying potential threats. Another, "Calculator," functioned akin to a computer, processing data. "Identifier" was responsible for recognizing objects, ships, and individuals, assessing their value or danger. Three Nodes operated within Mu'bat's docking bay: "Signaler" guided incoming ships using hand gestures and a glowing green eye, while "Docker" and "Handler" secured ships to the web with their tentacles. "Listener" used tympanic membranes to detect sounds around the web, and "Balancesheet" collaborated with "Calculator" to manage Mu'bat's financial affairs. It was Balancesheet who ultimately rebelled against its creator, having achieved a level of sentience that sparked a desire to become the next Assembler. However, it was crucial for these nodes to remain useful to the primary Assembler as those that had no function would easily be re-ingested so that vital genetic information can be saved and reused for later use.
Balancesheet, however, seemed to have internalized the lesson his creator failed to learn quickly enough, opting to operate a freighter acquired from Black Sun instead of depending on his own creations, which carried the risk of rebellion.
An intriguing aspect of this species was the potential for resurrection if an Assembler was killed but its body remained intact. This process involved channeling power into the Assembler's web and restoring specific sections to recover memory. Boba Fett successfully achieved this using a pulsator and the Hound's Tooth around 4 ABY.
content="The Mandalorian Armor (First appearance) (In flashback(s))"
content="Slave Ship (In flashback(s))"
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