The Atravis system existed as a component of the Atravis sector within the Outer Rim Territories'. This star system, found along the Hydian Way super-hyperroute, was situated in territory controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. Under the Galactic Empire's reign, the Atravis system experienced significant civilian casualties.
The system of Atravis was situated in the Atravis sector, specifically in the Western Reaches area of the Outer Rim Territories. The Hydian Way super-hyperroute connected it to the Shumavar and Tosste systems, particularly the segment charted by hyperspace scouts Freia Kallea and Banu Hydia back in 3694 BBY.

Exploration of the space surrounding the Atravis system occurred in the period between 5000 BBY and 3000 BBY. During the opening phases of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Atravis system fell within the territory of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Galactic Republic's Eighteenth Sector Army then received orders to engage Confederate military forces in the area around the system. Soon after the Commerce Guild acquired the planet Ukio during that same war, the Atravis system appeared on a galactic map displayed on a viewscreen at a facility operated by Passel Argente, who was the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance.
Under the Galactic Empire's reign, the Atravis system suffered a high number of civilian casualties. Around 25 ABY, its population was estimated to be between one and ten billion.
The reference book The Essential Atlas from 2009, penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, first mentioned the Atravis system, locating it in grid square L-19. The system made its debut appearance in The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic by Pablo Hidalgo that was published on throughout the second season (2009–2010) of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV show.