Augmented vibro-motor

Augmented vibro-motors served as an add-on component that could alter a vibro weapon. When weapons using vibro technology were upgraded with vibro-motors, the resulting effect was an increase in power, enabling them to slice through even armored plating without difficulty. Nevertheless, this enhancement also made the weapon harder to control. The price of vibro-motors was 500 credits.

If a vibro-motor was installed alongside a gene-lock—a device that prevented weapon activation by unauthorized users through DNA recognition—it would become non-functional. Conversely, they could be paired with an "Accu-Strike" integrated targeting computer to give the user better precision. To use vibro-motors with targeting computers, they were fitted into the user's gauntlets or gloves and then linked to the armor's helmet system.

Behind the scenes

The augmented vibro-motors were initially featured in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 expansion for Star Wars Roleplaying, a product line by Fantasy Flight Games.


  • Rise of the Separatists (First mentioned)
  • Gadgets and Gear

Notes and references
