The azurdactyl, a bipedal reptavian of aquamarine and black coloration, inhabited the Outer Rim planet known as Jagomir. These airborne beings possessed a degree of intelligence, a discovery made by members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during their time stationed on the world.
Residing on the Outer Rim planet of Jagomir, azurdactyls were a reptavian species. These reptavians exhibited some level of intelligence, potentially reaching semi-sentient status. Xenologists based at the Rebel Alliance's base on Jagomir proposed a distant relationship between azurdactyls and the thranta and aiwha of Alderaan and Kamino, respectively, also suggesting a carnivorous diet.
The azurdactyl's dominant color was aquamarine, complemented by a lighter underside and a black stripe running along its back from head to tail. It possessed two short, clawed legs and two pairs of delicate wings, one pair positioned above a smaller one. The neck and tail were roughly equal in length to the body, and its uniquely shaped jaw was almost as large as the rest of its head.

These reptavians were commonly observed soaring above the treetops of Jagomir's forests. In flight, they engaged in playful interactions and accompanied starships, such as Rebel T-65 X-wing starfighters. Rebel Alliance members stationed on the planet discovered that azurdactyls were willing to assist in hunting for food in return for a share of the spoils. They were capable of dive-bombing enemies and striking them with their wings.
Following the establishment of a Rebellion base on Jagomir, personnel had numerous encounters with azurdactyls. Xenologists at the base hypothesized a connection between these reptavians and the thranta and aiwha species. Other personnel learned that azurdactyls would aid in hunting endeavors in exchange for a portion of the captured prey.
The azurdactyl made its debut in Onslaught at Arda I, a 2014 roleplaying adventure published by Fantasy Flight Games for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game.