The Azure Imperium was a government existing before the Galactic Republic by many centuries. Its heart lay in the Axum system, specifically the twin planets of Axum and Anaxes. These planets were inhabited by Humans who journeyed there on sleeper ships originating from the planet Coruscant. Anaxes functioned as the Imperium's main shipyard and [fortress](/article/fortress/legends] world, while the planet Axum served as its capital. The Imperium's domain stretched along the hyperlane that later became known as the Perlemian Trade Route. The growing power of Coruscant peacefully absorbed the Imperium several centuries prior to 25,053 BBY, the [year](/article/standard_year/legends] the Galactic Republic was established. Despite its end, the Imperium's legacy persisted for millennia. For example, the Azure sector and the Republic Military's Azure Hammer Command were named in its honor. During the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire, the remains of an Azure Imperium ruin were unearthed and explored on Anaxes.