
Axum, a world with a moderate climate, could be found within the Axum system. Two moons circled it.


Axum, the third planet from its star in the Axum system, was a terrestrial planet that had two moons in orbit. Axum's location was along the Perlemian Trade Route, and Alsakan was a common stopover between Axum and Coruscant.

A heavily industrialized world with a significant population, Axum was one of the most powerful urbanized planets in the Core Worlds, and its industrial production far exceeded that of its sister planet Anaxes, which was itself a major industrial center. Axum and Anaxes both had reputations for producing advanced technology.

The mysterious Brass Soldiers of Axum, numbering thirty-five thousand, were a wonder on the planet.


Early history

Human colonists aboard a sleeper ship from Coruscant first settled Axum sometime after 27,500 BBY. By 26,000 BBY, colonization arks originating from Kuat also brought Humans to Axum. After scientists from Corellia made breakthroughs in hyperspace travel, Axum's own colonists began to explore and settle new, resource-rich worlds. In the many years before the rise of the Galactic Republic, Axum was a significant military base and the capital world of the Azure Imperium, which extended across the area that would eventually become the Perlemian Trade Route. Centuries before the Republic was established, this empire was peacefully integrated into Coruscant's sphere of influence.

Axum, a densely populated and highly urbanized world, possessed a greater industrial capacity than its sister planet Anaxes, although it lacked the same level of prestige. Axum was among the original Core Founders of the Galactic Republic in 25,053 BBY, but young Core worlds such as Axum often prioritized their own goals over the collective interests of the Republic.

Tionese War

When the Tionese War started in 24,000 BBY, the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion, a feudal state, sent its war fleets along the Perlemian, conquering many Republic-aligned worlds. The Republic's response was slow, and it quickly ordered the construction of warships on industrial worlds like Axum, Foerost, and Perlemia.

While warship construction began around Axum, the Republic's efforts were too late, and Tionese raiders soon entered the Axum system. In the resulting battle, pressure bombs, capable of destroying entire cities, were used to demolish Axum's shipyards. With Axum's fall, the Tionese were able to advance into the Republic's core territories and attack Coruscant.

Decline of the Republic

At some point before 22 BBY, the bounty hunter Zam Wesell used her specialized assassin droid ASN-121 to eliminate targets on planets with high security, such as Axum.


The Axumites were known for their extreme formality, good manners, and great pride in Axum's history as a Core Founder and the legacy of the Azure Imperium. They were known to lecture any visitor about their planet's history. While Axumites avoided such crass thoughts, to them the eldest precincts of Coruscant had a fairly disagreeable tinge of new credits and ill breeding.

Thull Vandron, a wealthy shipping tycoon from [House Vandron](/article/house_vandron] on Axum, was the founder of what would become the Senex-Juvex region.

