Ba-Gonk was a droid working as a bounty hunter for the Haxion Brood criminal organization throughout the Galactic Empire's reign. This droid served with a color scheme of dark blue and white plating, and sensors that were orange and cyan. For fighting, Ba-Gonk was equipped with a wrist blaster attached to its right arm.
In the year 14 BBY, Cal Kestis, a Jedi on the run, destroyed Ba-Gonk after the droid initiated an attack on him.
Ba-Gonk is featured as an optional opponent within the 2019 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order video game. This particular droid is among the Haxion Brood bounty hunters that may randomly appear and engage the player, either alone or with another, at various locations within the game. This article operates under the assumption that Kestis eliminated every available bounty hunter, Ba-Gonk included, during the process of completing the game.