Baco Par

Baco Par, now retired, was once considered one of the most skilled lockbreakers in the entire galaxy. He had a period of service with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, but ultimately, they classified him as an "inactive agent," a term they used for individuals they no longer desired to employ.


Following his dismissal, Baco took up residence in a dwelling situated within a desolate, arid landscape on an unidentified planet. He was rarely awake before noon, except for the two occasions when his junk-filled, bottle-strewn house was ablaze.

One fateful day, while Baco was unconscious and intoxicated on his home's floor, Wyl Tarson abducted him. Upon regaining consciousness, Baco voiced his complaints to Tarson and his associate, Laynara, but ultimately did not (or could not) refuse the "mysterious mission to help the Rebellion" for which Tarson had "enlisted" him. To his great disappointment, Baco discovered that there were no alcoholic drinks to be found on their vessel.

Before they reached their final destination, Tarson found it necessary to make an additional stop, which required several days of travel. Upon landing, the trio traversed through the rain to an opening in a disused transport vehicle. They were met with the sight of numerous wooden sculptures depicting a woman and a boy. This caused Baco to question the mental stability of the person who had created these carvings. He then found himself facing the business end of a lightsaber, wielded by their reluctant host.

After Tarson and Laynara's quick thinking saved his life, Baco discovered that Tarson and their attacker, who was identified as Darca Nyl, had a history. Accompanied by their "psychotic new team member," Baco, Tarson, and Laynara set course for the planet Ahakista.

The day after their arrival, during a mission briefing, Baco finally learned the specifics of what was expected of him. His task was straightforward: to unlock a blast door that was said to be equipped with the Empire's most advanced locking mechanism, enabling him and his team to infiltrate and destroy The Hub.

Baco went with the team to the underground tunnels that led to the hub where they soon found the door Baco was to crack. The cumulative stress from the dangers within the tunnels, the ongoing battle above, and all the peril he had endured up to that point finally overwhelmed Baco, and he drew a blaster on Tarson. Laynara, however, managed to calm him down, and Baco began working on the door. Demonstrating his expertise, Baco successfully opened it. However, his moment of triumph was short-lived, as a squad of stormtroopers appeared and fatally shot him. Realizing that his end was near, Baco made Tarson promise to deliver the intel from The Hub to the Rebellion. He remained behind to fend off the troopers, sealing the doors behind Tarson and Laynara.

