Wyl Tarson

Wyl Tarson functioned as a clandestine operative for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, successfully infiltrating the criminal enterprise of the crime lord known as Raze. While embedded within Raze's organization, Tarson ascended to the position of one of Raze's most trusted advisors, leveraging this position to secretly relay crucial intelligence to the Alliance, all without Raze suspecting his deception.

Ultimately, Raze discovered Tarson's betrayal and his theft of valuable intelligence. As punishment, Raze surgically implanted a bomb and a transmitter directly into Tarson's skull. To add insult to injury, Tarson was then dispatched on what Raze fully expected to be a fatal mission to the planet of Ahakista.


Early life

During his younger years, Wyl Tarson fought against the Galactic Empire as a zone runner.

Wyl Tarson, along with his sibling Ved Tarson, actively resisted the Galactic Empire. They operated as zone runners on an unidentified world situated within the Outer Rim Territories. Wyl possessed a notably lower level of self-assurance compared to his older brother, whom he deeply admired.

During an assault on a contingent of Juggernauts involving Wyl, Ved, and an unidentified companion, the companion's explosives malfunctioned, propelling Wyl directly into the path of an oncoming Juggernaut. Ved, having survived the blast, heroically saved Wyl by detonating one of his satchels in the Juggernaut's path, shielding Wyl from the resulting explosion.

The explosion knocked Ved off his feet. Uncertain of Ved's survival, Wyl dragged his brother away from the conflict. After regaining consciousness, Ved declared that they needed to halt the advancing Juggernauts and inquired if Wyl was prepared to assist. Ved emphasized that success hinged on their combined effort. Urging his younger brother to stay alive, Ved charged toward the nearest Juggernaut. However, Wyl, overcome by fear, did not follow. Upon realizing his brother's absence, Ved paused to search for him, only to be fatally shot down by stormtroopers as Wyl watched from behind cover, filled with remorse as Ved perished.

Rebel agent

Later in his life, Wyl became an intelligence operative working for the Rebel Alliance. Around 6 BBY, Tarson managed to infiltrate the criminal organization run by crime lord Raze, eventually rising to become one of Raze's primary subordinates. Over the next several years, Wyl forged a friendship with Laynara, another high-ranking member of Raze's organization. Despite their bond, he kept his romantic feelings for her secret. Tarson also concealed his intentions to subvert the organization from within, aiding the Alliance.

Raze's core business revolved around acquiring and selling information (or sometimes exploiting it), with Wyl tasked with processing the data received from Raze's network of agents spread across the galaxy. Whenever Wyl discovered intelligence about vulnerable Imperial convoys, he secretly transmitted it to the Alliance. This infuriated Raze, who had his own plans for the cargo carried by these convoys and lost potential profits when others intercepted them.

Not long after a specific incident of this nature, Wyl became aware of (or, more accurately, had his attention drawn to it by Raze) a coded message sent by an Imperial officer named Janek Sunber to the Rebel hero Luke Skywalker. Wyl promptly informed Tungo Li, his superior in the Alliance's intelligence network, about this development. Tungo Li instructed him to forward the message to the Alliance Fleet. Wyl successfully completed this mission without alerting Raze's computer systems to the transmission's destination. However, he was unable to maintain his true allegiance a secret from Raze for much longer.

Prisoner of Raze

Wyl Tarson's escape from Raze is foiled.

Upon uncovering Wyl's identity as an Alliance spy, Raze had him rendered unconscious and surgically implanted a bomb within his skull. Furthermore, a comlink was inserted into Wyl's ear, enabling direct communication between Raze and Wyl. Critically, the comlink also granted Raze the capability to detonate the bomb at will.

Shortly after the procedure, Raze awakened Wyl and revealed his knowledge of Wyl's espionage. When Wyl urged him to end his life, Raze cryptically responded that "it" had already been done. Later, Wyl woke up in his own bed, dismissing the earlier events as a nightmare, but he noticed a new, unexplained, circular scar on the left side of his forehead.

Wyl resolved to leave Per Lupelo. En route to the spaceport, Drybal and a group of Raze's enforcers attempted to prevent his departure, but Wyl stunned them and rushed toward the ship. However, he never reached it. In addition to the bomb, an unidentified device that allowed Raze to incapacitate him (and inflict significant pain) had also been implanted in his skull. Raze mocked Wyl as Laynara hurried to his side, and then everything went dark.

After Wyl regained consciousness, Raze informed him of the modifications made to his body and the "new... relationship" that accompanied the bomb. Raze cautioned Wyl that any disobedience would result in the bomb's detonation. He was also strictly forbidden from disclosing this arrangement to anyone.

Mission to Ahakista

Shortly afterward, Raze dispatched Wyl on a mission to Ahakista. Raze revealed minimal information about the mission's purpose, only stating that Tarson was to meet with an associate named Sardoth, who would provide further instructions. Laynara was also assigned to accompany Wyl to Ahakista and return to Per Lupelo after delivering a package to Sardoth.

Raze instructed Wyl to assemble a team of individuals "accustomed to infiltrating... precarious places." He granted Wyl some autonomy in selecting this team, aware of Wyl's connections to the Alliance. He ominously added that he did not anticipate any of them surviving.

Tarson wanted to avoid exposing active Alliance agents, considering this a problem of his own making, so he opted to recruit only those agents who "the Rebellion doesn't want anymore." Their initial destination was the residence of Baco Par, renowned as "one of the galaxy's best lockbreakers." Upon entering the house, they discovered Baco passed out and intoxicated amidst a collection of bottles and discarded items scattered across the floor.

Instead of waking Baco and persuading him to join, Wyl simply kidnapped him. Baco only regained consciousness after they were already en route to their next destination. After two days, they arrived at a decommissioned Action series transport vessel on a rain-soaked planet.

Upon landing, the trio boarded the transport and were greeted by numerous wooden carvings and statuettes depicting a woman and a boy. Despite knowing the identity of the person who had made the transport his home, Wyl feigned surprise at the strange sight.

Shortly after, they were attacked by their unwilling host, wielding a red lightsaber. As their assailant held the lightsaber to Baco's throat, Wyl attempted to disarm him and nearly lost his life, if not for Laynara's intervention, who broke a statuette of the woman and threatened to destroy more unless he allowed Tarson to speak. Wyl then introduced Laynara and Par to the man, identifying him as Darca Nyl.

After an hour of conversation and acknowledging the likely suicidal nature of the mission, Tarson failed to convince Nyl to join. Nyl believed that the Alliance would never have entrusted such a mission to Tarson. More personally, Nyl did not trust Tarson with his life. However, shortly before their departure, Nyl changed his mind and boarded Tarson's freighter, though he reminded Wyl that he still harbored distrust. He planned to kill Tarson if he suspected any betrayal.

As he disengaged the freighter from hyperspace, Wyl discovered that Raze had misrepresented Ahakista, describing it as "a sleepy little backwater." In reality, the planet was embroiled in a civil war, and the Empire had intervened to protect the government they had installed.

As Imperial TIE fighters threatened to destroy the freighter, Raze seized the opportunity to torment Wyl, delaying the provision of the landing code that would prevent the fighters from destroying the freighter until the last possible moment. Upon landing at the Daystar Casino, Wyl and his group were greeted by Sardoth, the casino's owner. Tarson attempted to extract more information about the mission, but Sardoth stated that he would provide the details in the morning.

After Laynara delivered Raze's suitcase, Wyl allowed his suspicions to get the better of him and all but insulted Laynara for her loyalty to Raze. The argument did not end well. Laynara threatened to leave for Raze's headquarters the next morning, and Raze taunted him about it. Instead of leaving for Per Lupelo, Laynara accompanied Wyl and the rest of his team to the briefing the next morning. Wyl thanked Laynara for not leaving and tried to apologize, but Laynara's manner toward him remained cold.

Upon arriving at the meeting place, Wyl encountered Rasha Bex, an Imperial officer assisting them because she had requested information from Raze regarding the location of an imprisoned smuggler. He also met Dunlan, the leader of the local resistance movement. He then learned that his team's objective was The Hub, a supercomputer responsible for coordinating the Imperial Fleet.

Tarson's team was to infiltrate the pyramid housing The Hub by navigating the tunnels beneath it and then breaching a blast door protected by a force field. The force field could only be deactivated by destroying the pyramid's power grid. According to Sardoth's plan, Dunlan and his people, possessing the necessary weaponry, would handle this from outside the pyramid. Dunlan refused and stormed out of the meeting. Hoping to persuade Dunlan to reconsider, Wyl followed him.

Upon catching up to Dunlan, Tarson found him being threatened by Fenic, one of his followers. Fenic intended to claim the Imperial bounty placed on Dunlan's head, and Dunlan encouraged him to do so. Despite this, Fenic found himself unable to do it, and Wyl ensured that he didn't have a change of heart at the last second by disarming and incapacitating him. Though Wyl had just saved Dunlan's life, Dunlan made clear to him that he was not going to change his mind. Wyl appeared to have decided that any further attempts to convince Dunlan would be fruitless and instead asked him how he would be willing to sacrifice his own life. Dunlan said that he was able to do so because he believed in the cause that he was fighting for.

Upon returning to their meeting place, Wyl arrived just as Bex announced her withdrawal from the team. Wyl objected strongly, making it clear to Bex that she would never see BoShek again if she left. He then declared that they would launch their attack on The Hub immediately.

Wyl led Laynara, Baco, Nyl, and Sardoth into the tunnels leading to the Hub. After dispatching the stormtrooper guards, Sardoth guided them through the tunnels, eventually reaching the energy barrier blocking the path to the door they needed to breach. As they awaited Bex's deactivation of the shield, Wyl began to despair, realizing that he faced a no-win situation, whether confronting the Imperials or Raze after the mission. Raze, still listening in, decided to inflict a painful reminder of his control over Wyl using the implant. As Wyl writhed in agony, Laynara attempted to reassure him about the mission and admitted that she had implanted the bomb into his head. She promised him that they would find a way out of their mutual debts to Raze together and kissed him, though Raze cut this short, giving Wyl another painful jolt.

After Dunlan managed to knock out the energy shield, Wyl, Laynara, and Baco proceeded on to the door leading to The Hub. At this point, Baco drew his blaster on Wyl, the stress of everything he had gone through after Wyl had kidnapped him finally getting to him. Laynara, however, managed to talk Baco down and the lock breaker soon had the doors open. Baco was shot a moment later by arriving Imperial stormtroopers. After Boca made him promise to get The Hub's information to the Rebellion, Wyl and Laynara entered the compound and Baco stayed behind, sealing the doors behind them.

Wyl and Laynara reached The Hub and Laynara prepped a device that would extract and transmit the data in the computer. At this point, Wyl tried to do the right thing and fulfill his promise to Baco by sending the transmission to the Rebel fleet. Raze, however, had other plans, again using the implant to inflict pain on Wyl. When Laynara threatened not to carry out the mission, Raze ceased the torture. The delay, however, gave the Imperials time to get through the blast door, incapacitating Laynara and surrounding her and Wyl. In spite of Raze's urgings, Wyl refused to activate the device that would transmit Raze his precious information, so Raze activated the bomb in Wyl's brain. Surprisingly, Wyl woke moments later to see Darth Vader standing over him, having temporarily deactivated the bomb. When Vader threatened to kill Laynara, Wyl surrendered all information he had about Raze as well as all information he had on the Rebellion's spy network. Appeased, Vader destroyed Raze's bomb and took Wyl into custody.

Imperial Service

Vader eventually exploited Tarson's Rebel connections to disseminate false intelligence concerning a 'secret Imperial weapon.' In truth, the moon designated as the weapon's abandonment site served as the location where Vader had marooned Celeste Morne, the possessor of the Muur Talisman, two decades prior. By furnishing the Rebels with this misinformation, Tarson inadvertently led Skywalker, Organa, and their team into a trap orchestrated by Vader, with the intention of decimating the entire Rebellion.

