A Male Iktotchi Jedi Knight named Sardoth embraced the dark side before the Clone Wars began. He allied himself with the Galactic Empire and assisted the Inquisitorius in their pursuit of Jedi, contributing to the Jedi Order's demise during the Great Jedi Purge. On the planet Ahakista, he acted as an operative for the criminal figure Raze.
Sardoth, a Force-sensitive Iktotchi, underwent training in the Force's ways by the Jedi Order during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Chosen to be the Padawan of Jedi Knight Lycan, they journeyed together across the galaxy; during this period, Lycan exposed his Padawan to the dark side of the Force as he delved ever deeper into its power. Following the Jedi's capture of his master and his subsequent death, Sardoth was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight before completely surrendering to the dark side's allure. After making contact with agents of the mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, Sardoth escaped execution in the early days of the Great Jedi Purge by aiding the Galactic Empire in their hunt and elimination of fellow Jedi.
Eventually, Sardoth discovered that betrayal was inherent to the Sith's nature. The Empire abandoned Sardoth when his usefulness waned, forcing him to escape to the planet Ahakista during the initial phase of the Galactic Civil War and the open rebellion against the Empire. From Ahakista, Sardoth managed the Daystar Casino and acquired illegal Jedi lightsabers that the Empire considered contraband. Besides his casino business, Sardoth collaborated with the crime lord Raze, who led a black-market organization within Ahakista's criminal underworld. As Raze's chief aide, Sardoth kept watch on the Empire's increasing presence on the planet, fearing that the construction of Pyramid One would disrupt his operations and ultimately lead to his execution by an angry populace.
Following the momentous Battle of Yavin, Sardoth witnessed the growing civil war on Ahakista. While conversing with his associate Erla after the assassination of Councilman Derral, Sardoth hoped to avoid his own demise in the impending conflict. He issued instructions to the criminal operative Wyl Tarson upon the Human's arrival on the planet for a mission for Raze that involved cooperation with the local rebels. Sardoth and Raze secretly plotted a special surprise for Tarson after he completed his mission, allowing Tarson and Laynara to use the casino as a base. When Sardoth realized that Darca Nyl was traveling with Tarson, he immediately recognized his former master's lightsaber hanging from the man's belt. Assuming Nyl was a Jedi, Sardoth led him to his private chambers to display his own lightsaber collection as a subtle threat.

Under Raze's orders, Sardoth arranged for Tarson and his allies to encounter Imperial agent Rasha Bex, who was also secretly working for Raze. Furthermore, the agents were introduced to Dunlan, the leader of the anti-Imperial rebellion on the planet. Once Raze's subordinates were assembled, Sardoth revealed that their mission was to destroy Pyramid One and the Hub facility. Guiding the group through the tunnels beneath the Imperial installations, Sardoth followed Nyl, who had separated from the group to find his own route into the Hub. In the darkness of the tunnels, Sardoth unveiled his Jedi past and accused Nyl of murdering his former master and stealing his lightsaber. Sardoth attacked Nyl, but the man's skill matched his own, leading to a stalemate until Darth Vader arrived.
Sardoth, seizing the chance to become a Sith Lord, abandoned his dispute with Nyl and focused on earning the cyborg Sith's favor. Vader dismissed Sardoth's pleas as those of a failure who would have already been chosen if he was worthy, disarmed him of his weapon, and then slicing his head off.