Dunlan spearheaded a resistance movement opposing the Imperial-supported government on the planet of Ahakista.
Following the Empire's dismantling of Ahakista's democratic system, it was supplanted by a regime comprised of affluent elites and Imperial loyalists. Like other residents, Dunlan deeply resented the new regime's policies, which had diminished their accustomed prosperity and liberties. Ultimately, Dunlan emerged as the leader of a resistance movement engaged in a civil war against the established authority.
As Dunlan's influence grew, he was hailed as a champion by the disempowered populace. However, as explosions echoed through Ahakista's streets, government figures perceived him as a dangerous terrorist and a threat to their hold on power. After Dunlan's assassination of Councilman Derral and Derral's fellow council member, the Empire determined that the escalating conflict posed a significant risk to assets located on Ahakista, prompting direct intervention.
Shortly after narrowly escaping being crushed by an All Terrain Armored Transport traversing the once-thriving areas of the city, Dunlan received an invitation to a meeting organized by Sardoth. The proprietor of the Daystar Casino had assembled a diverse group, claiming they were members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the briefing, Dunlan discovered that the Empire was utilizing Ahakista as a base for the Hub, a supercomputer situated within the pyramid at the city's core. The Hub held immense strategic value for the Empire, serving as a central coordination point for the expansive Imperial Navy. Sardoth then revealed his reason for contacting Dunlan: He sought Dunlan's rebel group to destroy the pyramid's power control station, enabling the off-worlders to infiltrate and dismantle the Hub itself.
Dunlan conceded that the Empire would likely lose interest in Ahakista if the Hub was destroyed, thereby ending its involvement in the planet's affairs. Nevertheless, he declined to assist Sardoth, unwilling to "sacrifice [his] people as a mere distraction" in a direct assault on the pyramid for a cause beyond the interests of Ahakista's citizens.
Abruptly leaving the meeting, Dunlan encountered a blaster pointed in his direction. The wielder was Fenic, previously one of his fellow rebels. Fenic had intended to eliminate Dunlan and claim the substantial bounty placed on his head by the Empire, but found the act more challenging in practice. Dunlan encouraged Fenic to fire, asserting his belief in their cause and his willingness to die for it. Dunlan then challenged Fenic to affirm the same. Before Fenic could further contemplate the presented choice, Wyl Tarson, one of the offworlders, incapacitated him. Dunlan expressed gratitude to Tarson but maintained his refusal to cooperate, believing that "other ways, other methods" existed to end the oppression of his people.
Unbeknownst to Dunlan at the time, he had been betrayed by Astor, another of his subordinates. Upon returning to a safe house after the failed meeting, it was raided by stormtroopers under the command of Darth Vader. While Vader and his forces were occupied with eliminating Dunlan's fellow rebels, Dunlan managed to escape.
With his options dwindling, Dunlan resolved to undertake the very action he had previously refused to sacrifice his people for: destroying the pyramid's tenth-floor power control station with a surface-to-air missile. His initial destination was the residence of an elderly woman who had allowed Dunlan's rebels to use it as a weapons cache. As Dunlan removed floorboards and retrieved a rocket launcher, the woman directed his attention to the window, where he witnessed Imperial walkers crushing buildings and TIE/sa bombers delivering their deadly payloads.
Evading Vader and the stormtroopers by a narrow margin, Dunlan commandeered a X-34 landspeeder and sought a suitable location to launch his missile at the pyramid. After finding a spot, he sustained a grazing blaster wound to the chest. Overwhelmed by uncertainty and fear of death, the sight of Vader and the approaching stormtroopers reminded him of his fight for Ahakista's future and its people.
Following Dunlan's destruction of the power control station, Vader finally cornered him. Before the Sith Lord impaled him with his lightsaber, Dunlan defiantly opened his arms, declaring that Vader was too late and that "What we've started cannot be stopped."