This individual served as a councilman representing [Ahakista](/article/ahakista/legends], a planet, and maintained a friendship with Councilman Derral.
Because he believed the merchandise available lacked superior quality, Derral's acquaintance was not enthusiastic about the prospect of exploring the city's less affluent districts. A primary concern he voiced regarding Derral's planned excursion was the unpopularity of Ahakista's Imperial-supported government among the lower socioeconomic strata. The planet's impoverished inhabitants had recently demonstrated their discontent with the ruling authority via demonstrations and more aggressive actions.
When Derral voiced complaints regarding the caliber of goods being peddled by the street merchants, his companion seized the chance to reiterate his reservations about the journey. While Derral attempted to allay his concerns, they were approached by a youthful beggar soliciting a gesture of Derral's generosity. Derral responded, though not in the manner the boy anticipated.
The two council members proceeded back to a landspeeder awaiting them, with Derral's comrade lagging slightly behind. As Derral began to enter the vehicle, his friend requested that he pause. Both men met their demise at the hands of Dunlan. The killings of the two councilmen prompted the Empire to assume a more hands-on involvement in Ahakista's governance, which in turn fueled the civil war.