
Laynara served as a member within the criminal syndicate led by Raze.


Due to her exceptional intellect, Raze held Laynara in high regard as a valuable asset, promoting her to the position of his primary lieutenant. For a duration of five years, Laynara collaborated with Wyl Tarson, another of Raze's lieutenants, developing a friendship, though Laynara harbored deeper feelings for him than she openly expressed.

Despite their bond of friendship, Tarson kept secret his clandestine activities of spying on Raze's organization for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Upon Raze's discovery of Tarson's betrayal, he dispatched him on what he perceived as a certain suicide mission to Ahakista, tasking Laynara with accompanying Tarson.

Prior to their arrival at Ahakista, Tarson made stops on several planets with the intention of recruiting individuals for the team necessary for the mission. At their initial destination, Tarson presented Laynara to his inaugural "recruit," Baco Par. She watched with confusion as Tarson abducted the unconscious and intoxicated lock-breaker, bringing him aboard their vessel.

After touching down on another planet a few days later, Tarson, Laynara, and Par navigated through a downpour to an entrance within a disused transport. Upon entering, they were confronted with numerous carvings, each depicting either the same woman or boy. As Laynara scrutinized a carving of the woman, she and Par found themselves facing the active blade of a lightsaber, wielded by their unwilling host.

Tarson intervened to save Laynara and Par, attempting to disarm their attacker. When Tarson was on the verge of being killed by the man, Laynara drew the attacker's attention by shattering a bust of the woman. Correctly deducing the significance of the statues and carvings to him, Laynara threatened to destroy the remaining ones unless he agreed to allow Tarson to speak with him.

Tarson then revealed their attacker's identity as Darca Nyl. Following an hour-long conversation, Tarson failed to persuade Nyl to join him on the mission and decided it was time for them to leave. Before departing for the ship, Laynara inquired of Nyl whether the woman portrayed in the bust would have approved of his current existence. Nyl remained silent and advised her to leave. However, Nyl ultimately decided to accompany them. Par questioned Laynara about her method of persuasion, but Laynara denied any involvement. She suspected that Nyl had simply "realized he wanted to inflict pain again."

In accordance with Raze's instructions, Laynara delivered a package to an associate of Raze named Sardoth upon their arrival on Ahakista. Despite Raze's directives for her to return to Per Lupelo, and Tarson's implied criticism of her allegiance to Raze, Laynara chose to remain on Ahakista to assist him in his mission to destroy The Hub.

