
Once a male Jedi Knight, Lycan served as Sardoth's mentor. However, he succumbed to the influence of the dark side, transforming into a formidable Dark Jedi. While being transported to Coruscant for trial, Lycan escaped Republic custody when the shuttle crashed on the home planet of Darca Nyl.


Information regarding Lycan's history remains limited. What is known is that he was a Jedi, the master of Sardoth, and the individual responsible for introducing the Iktotchi species to the dark side of the Force. At some point, he abandoned the Jedi Order and embraced the path of a Dark Jedi until 32 BBY. In that year, he was captured by a Jedi, who was attempting to return him to Coruscant. Lycan attempted to commandeer the transport, causing it to crash near the home of Darca Nyl. After freeing himself from the wreckage, Lycan invaded Nyl's home, where Darca's son Neas was hiding. When Neas attempted to defend himself, Lycan killed him and fled. Nyl, having learned Lycan's story from the deceased Jedi, discovered his son's body and began a pursuit of Lycan, seeking revenge.

The showdown between Lycan and Darca Nyl

Due to injuries sustained in the crash, Lycan suffered memory loss. He only retained the knowledge that he possessed great strength in the Force and the dark side, and he felt compelled towards a specific destiny. Guided by this sensation, he journeyed to Molavar, with Nyl closely trailing him. Upon arriving at Molavar, Lycan utilized his Force abilities to amass a significant fortune through gambling, including acquiring a new ship. When his gambling opponent and the casino's security personnel accused him of cheating and attempted to restrain him, Lycan killed everyone except the dealer by applying pressure to their brachiocephalic arteries using the Force. He then commandeered the ship and ventured into the desert.

However, lacking a specific destination other than the prompting of the Force, Lycan began aimlessly wandering in circles. As a result, Nyl easily tracked him. Eventually, Lycan realized he was being pursued. When he finally confronted Nyl near a cave, his Force power overwhelmed the mercenary, inflicting injuries. Nyl retreated into the cave for safety, with Lycan in pursuit.

Lycan chose to spare Nyl's life, keeping him alive long enough to help him recover his memories. Upon learning his identity from Nyl, Lycan became ecstatic, reveling in his own power, and prepared to kill Nyl. However, he was so consumed by the revelation that he failed to notice Nyl had led him into a trap. Nyl detonated several mines he had planted, burying Lycan under tons of rock.


Nyl retrieved Lycan's lightsaber, continuing to use it as his primary weapon when he joined Wyl Tarson's Mission to Ahakista in 9 months ABY. Unfortunately for him, Sardoth was also present and recognized the weapon. He eventually confronted Nyl, swearing to reclaim his deceased master's lightsaber.

Powers and abilities

Lycan demonstrated highly developed telekinetic Force abilities. He was particularly skilled in the use of Force Crush. Furthermore, he practiced advanced levitation, enabling him to levitate himself and traverse water for extended periods, as well as levitate multiple objects simultaneously. He also had the ability to generate visible, orange Force fields, though he could only maintain them briefly when Darca Nyl collapsed a cavern on him.

