Baden Lathe

Baden Lathe held the rank of captain within the New Republic Intelligence Service.


Lathe, as a member of the Analysis Bureau, had the duty of assembling a report that detailed the circumstances surrounding the wedding of Leia Organa Solo; this included a file concerning Warlord Zsinj and the forces under his command, details about the Hapes Consortium, and all accessible information pertaining to the Witches of Dathomir. Lathe made every effort to address the inconsistent records originating from Dathomir and the inclination toward secrecy exhibited by the Hapans. The opportunity to engage with the "Heroes of Yavin and Endor" was a source of great satisfaction for Lathe, and he voiced his concerns to General Airen Cracken regarding potential inaccuracies within his report.


  • Cracken's Threat Dossier (First mentioned)
