Bakiska's functioned as a data repeater service on the world of Lothal throughout the Age of the Empire. It is documented that Bakiska's ran a data storage facility within the Lower Gallo sector of Capital City. Merei Spanjaf, a rebel supporter and student at the Vocational School for Institutional Security, held an active account with Bakiska's services. Once Imperial forces successfully identified one of the snooper applications she utilized during a security compromise at the Imperial Transportation Ministry, Merei and her fellow student Jix Hekyl considered the possibility of removing her account from Bakiska's system.
As Imperial investigators (including Jessa, Merei's mother) began focusing on three repeater services, Merei and Jix made an attempt to break into Bakiska's storage building. Their goal was to use a pulse-mag device to damage the server containing Merei's account information. However, local security personnel intervened and removed them from the premises. These actions taken by Merei and Jix provoked their superior, Yahenna Laxo, a crime lord affiliated with the Gray Syndicate. In response, Laxo instructed Merei to assist a bounty hunter in apprehending Holshef, an aging poet whom the Syndicate was sheltering from the authorities in exchange for payment. Before Laxo could enforce this directive, he and his accomplices, excluding Merei and Jix, were killed by Imperial troops.