Bardo (aide)

Bardo was a male Human who was in the service of the Galactic Republic during the period known as the Cold War, a time of tension with the Sith Empire. He was assigned to Olaris on the world of Taris, where he functioned as an aide for Governor Leontyne Saresh, the planet's leader. In the year 3643 BBY, he gave a Republic operative the task of meeting with Governor Saresh to provide assistance to the Taris Resettlement Initiative.


Bardo, a male Human, held the position of diplomat for the Galactic Republic during the Cold War, a conflict between the Republic and the Sith Empire. He was stationed on the planet of Taris, acting as an aide to Governor Leontyne Saresh. Saresh, a Twi'lek politician, spearheaded the Taris Resettlement Initiative, an endeavor focused on the planet's recovery.

In the year 3643 BBY, an individual aligned with the Republic encountered him at the Olaris Spaceport. Bardo requested that this individual meet with Governor Saresh in her office to contribute to the planet's restoration.

Personality and traits

Bardo possessed brown skin, complemented by brown eyes and dark brown hair.

Behind the scenes

Bardo is a character featured in the Republic-exclusive mission titled "Reconstruction Efforts" within Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by BioWare and was launched on December 20, 2011.

