Barich was a scout trooper in the Imperial army, specifically a male human holding the sergeant rank.
Barich's place of birth was Wakeelmui. Prior to 4 ABY, he transitioned from his role in the missile division at Sienar Fleet Systems's to becoming a Stormtrooper Corps member as a scout trooper, ultimately achieving the rank of Sergeant. His true desire, however, was to be a pilot with the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing. He collaborated with fellow scout trooper, Corporal Misik, in the advancement of speeder bike strategies.
In 4 ABY, Barich found himself stationed on Endor, the forest moon. His mission: protect the bunker responsible for generating the shields for the Death Star II. Patrolling the area on speeder bikes with a partner, they were tasked with identifying potential threats. A Rebel strike force made their way onto the moon, and Barich and his partner spotted them. They sped off to alert others. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, two of the Rebels, pursued them on a speeder bike, quickly gaining ground on Barich's comrade. Skywalker forced him off his bike and commandeered it.

The pair pressed on, chasing Barich, who passed by Misik and his partner, Corporal Drelosyn. These two scout troopers joined the pursuit, opening fire on the Rebels, which caused Skywalker to peel off from Organa to engage them. Organa gained on Barich, who then drew his blaster pistol and fired at her, resulting in her ejection from her bike, which then collided with a tree. Barich glanced back and saw the resulting explosion. He then turned forward to see he was heading straight into a fallen tree. He screamed as he crashed, causing his bike to explode and killing him.
Barich's attire consisted of standard Scout trooper armor and a helmet. His transportation was a 74-Z speeder bike, and he carried a blaster pistol.