
A male Human named Misik was a scout trooper serving the Galactic Empire. Known for his exceptional marksmanship, he played a role in developing the Empire's speeder bike combat strategies.

By 4 ABY, Misik had achieved the rank of corporal. He was stationed as part of the Imperial forces tasked with guarding the generator bunker responsible for powering the shield protecting the second Death Star, located on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor. Ultimately, Misik engaged in a pursuit of Rebel intruders on Endor, meeting his end when Luke Skywalker damaged his speeder bike, causing it to collide with a fallen tree.


Imperial career

Misik, a male Human, was the offspring of a diplomat from Tatooine. He would later enlist in the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps, eventually specializing as a scout trooper. By 4 ABY, he held the rank of corporal, and he collaborated closely with Sergeant Barich, another scout trooper, on the evolution of speeder bike combat techniques.

At some point before the year 4 ABY, both Misik and Barich were chosen for assignment to the Imperial garrison stationed on the Forest Moon of Endor. Their duty was the protection of the bunker housing the shield generator for the second Death Star as it was being constructed.

Battle of Endor

Misik battling Luke Skywalker

Eventually, the Rebel Alliance discovered the construction of a second Death Star and deployed a strike team, under the leadership of General Han Solo, to the forest moon with the objective of destroying the shield bunker. The Alliance strategized that, with the shield generator disabled, a concentrated Rebel Fleet could move in and obliterate the incomplete Death Star.

During the Rebel incursion, Misik and his fellow scout troopers encountered the Alliance forces within the wooded areas surrounding the shield bunker. This led to a high-speed chase involving Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Misik, Barich, and other scout troopers on speeder bikes. In the midst of the pursuit, Misik and one other scout trooper engaged Skywalker directly. Misik's partner, Drelosyn, was killed, and Misik and Skywalker's bikes became interlocked as each tried to force the other to abandon ship or crash.

Misik moments before his death

Realizing that they were about to crash into a tree, Misik disengaged, while Skywalker leapt from his doomed speeder bike. Seeking to capitalize on the situation, Misik wheeled his bike around, intending to eliminate Skywalker with his speeder's blasters. However, Skywalker deflected Misik's blaster fire using his lightsaber, severing the steering vane from Misik's bike as the scout trooper sped past. Unable to control his vehicle, Misik's speeder bike spun out of control, ultimately colliding with a nearby tree, resulting in his death.

Personality and traits

Misik's ambition was to be promoted to the Emperor's Demonstration Team.

Skills and abiltiies

Misik was an exceptionally accurate marksman.


Misik was equipped with Imperial Scout trooper armor, including a helmet. He operated a 74-Z speeder bike and carried a scout trooper blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Misik debuted in the 1983 novelization of Return of the Jedi, penned by James Kahn, which was released shortly before the film. He appears briefly during the speeder bike chase. Stunt performers Dirk Yohan Beer, Peter Diamond, and Frank Henson have all stated that they played the other three biker scouts, so Misik was likely played by stuntman Julius LeFlore, who remembers filming biker scout scenes in front of a bluescreen. He was first identified as Misik on the "Corporal Misik" card from the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

Certain events in the unabridged script for The National Public Radio Dramatization of Return of the Jedi, which was released in 1996, are inconsistent with those previously shown in the film. In the movie for Return of the Jedi, the speeder bikes of Luke Skywalker and Misik become entangled, leading Skywalker to jump off his bike before it crashes into an overturned tree stump. However, in the radio dramatization script, Skywalker manages to destroy the speeder of Misik's partner, which causes Misik to disappear for a moment. He reappears on Skywalker's side, firing at his speeder, and these actions force Skywalker to abandon his speeder.

Additionally, there is a discrepancy between the film and the 2003 video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike. In the film, Luke Skywalker strikes Misik's speeder bike with his lightsaber in one shot, but in Rebel Strike, Skywalker can miss his speeder bike, in which case Misik will circle around for another pass so Skywalker can hit him. This repeats until Skywalker's slash is successful.

