
Drelosyn was a male Human who held the rank of Corporal as a Scout trooper within the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire.


Drelosyn, a native of Coruscant, sharpened his piloting abilities by participating in swoop races within the lower levels of Imperial City. Sometime before 4 ABY, he enlisted in the Empire's Stormtrooper Corps, attaining the rank of Corporal. Ultimately, he received a posting to Endor, the location where the Death Star II was under construction. He was teamed up with scout trooper Corporal Misik and given the responsibility of patrolling the moon using speeder bikes to identify any potential dangers to the Death Star's shield generator bunker. While stationed on Endor, he continued to refine his piloting expertise.

In 4 ABY, a Rebel strike team made landfall on the moon and were observed by Sergeant Barich, a scout trooper, and his partner, who sped away on their speeder bikes to summon reinforcements. Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, Rebels, pursued them on their own speeder bike. After Skywalker neutralized Barich's partner and commandeered his bike, Barich passed by Drelosyn and Misik, who then pursued the Rebels, firing at them. Skywalker separated from Organa to confront the two pursuing troopers, maneuvering and positioning himself behind them. He fired upon Drelosyn with his bike, causing Drelosyn's bike to collide with a tree and explode, resulting in his death.


Drelosyn was equipped with the standard armor and helmet issued to scout troopers. His mode of transportation was a 74-Z speeder bike.

