Baruk's Bar

Baruk's establishment, known as Baruk's Bar, could be found on Nar Shaddaa. The clientele mainly consisted of ruffians in the employ of the bar's proprietor, Reelo Baruk. He not only owned the bar, but also managed a waste disposal enterprise and participated in illicit ventures like smuggling. Furthermore, it seemed to host an illegal gambling operation centered around battles between mine crabs.

The individual serving drinks was a grammatically challenged Chiss, who struggled with the correct usage of singular and plural forms in Basic. Baruk maintained an office situated in one of the bar's rear chambers, which was protected by Rodian snipers as well as various other enforcers recruited by Baruk.

During the Reborn crisis instigated by Desann, Kyle Katarn visited the bar in order to gather intelligence about Baruk, whom he believed to be connected to Desann. After being misled by the bartender, Katarn was assaulted by everyone present in the bar. Despite this, he successfully battled his way through the bar, ultimately finding Baruk's office, leaving a number of deceased thugs in his wake, only to find that Baruk was absent.

Behind the scenes

Although Baruk's Bar makes an appearance in Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, thereby making it canonical, it has never been given an official designation. The mine crab combat depicted is reminiscent of cockfighting, a practice often observed in disreputable bars in the real world.

