Basal Moor

Basal Moor, serving as an operative for Alliance Intelligence, was successfully rescued from the headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated situated on Pako Ramoon. His rescuers were the Xi'Dec extraction specialists K'lial and Diskio Khzrry. A report penned by Rebel agent Kara Via detailed the specifics of this successful rescue operation. This report was subsequently included by General Airen Cracken within the Khzrrys' dossier in Cracken's Rebel Operatives.


Basal Moor's assignment involved infiltrating the headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated, a task that presented a high likelihood of capture. Consequently, the Khzzrys were designated as a backup contingency should Moor be apprehended. Upon Moor's capture by TGM security forces, the Khzzrys initiated a rescue mission, entering the headquarters to extract him.

Adopting their customary guise as family recruiters, the Khzzrys approached the security personnel who were in the process of escorting Moor through the headquarters lobby. K'lial circumvented the guards and placed two of its left arms around Moor, declaring that the two Xi'Dec wished to extend an invitation to Moor to become part of their family unit, and attempted to lead him away for a private discussion. Via later speculated that K'lial likely extracted the codekeys to Basal's arm restraints from the lead guard's pockets during this interaction.

The guards exhibited confusion regarding K'lial's matrimonial interest in a Human, particularly given that K'lial and its spouse Diskio did not appear to be of the same species (although this was typical for Xi'Dec of differing sexes). Via surmised that K'lial managed to free Moor from his restraints during this exchange.

Ultimately, the guards abandoned the conversation and attempted to place both Xi'Dec under arrest. However, Diskio had employed a remote control device to summon its ground speeder, under the pretense of contacting a matrimonial lawyer. The speeder then crashed through the lobby window as Diskio produced two concealed blasters and began providing covering fire. The three Rebels then entered the vehicle and successfully escaped.

As the speeder departed from the lobby, K'lial extended its head out of the outer hatch and announced that Moor had accepted the "proposal."


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives (First mentioned)

Notes and references
