Within the Rayter sector of the Outer Rim Territories, one could find the astronomical object known as Pako Ramoon. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, it served as the location for the corporate headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated. An event transpired where guards from the company were in the process of escorting the captured Rebel Alliance member, Basal Moor, through the headquarters. At this moment, Alliance agents K'lial and Diskio Khzrry created a diversion to distract the guards. Subsequently, they utilized a remotely operated ground speeder to successfully extract Moor from the premises.
Pako Ramoon existed as a planet within the Pako Ramoon system, which itself resided inside the Rayter sector of the Outer Rim Territories'.

During the time of the Galactic Empire's reign, TransGalMeg Industries, Incorporated (TGM) chose Pako Ramoon as the site for their corporate headquarters. A particular incident occurred during the Galactic Civil War involving Basal Moor, a Human operative of the Rebel Alliance, who was taken into custody on Pako Ramoon. In response, the Xi'Dec agents K'lial and Diskio Khzrry were dispatched to retrieve him.
As TGM guards escorted Moor through the lobby of the corporate headquarters, the Xi'Dec agents, who were disguised as recruiters searching for new sexes to integrate into their family unit through marriage, created a diversion to draw the guards' attention. Subsequently, they employed a remotely controlled ground speeder that crashed through the lobby's windows to facilitate their escape with Moor. Following this event, the Rebel agent Kara Via documented the incident on Pako Ramoon in a report. Sometime shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Alliance General Airen Cracken incorporated this report into a datafile dedicated to detailing various Rebel operatives, specifically in an entry focusing on the Khzrrys.
Chuck Truett conceived Pako Ramoon, and it made its debut in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a sourcebook released in 1994 by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference work, The Essential Atlas, designated grid square J-19 as the location of the Pako Ramoon system, thereby pinpointing the astronomical object's position.