The Basiliskans were a sapient reptilian species originating from the planet Basilisk. Following thousands of years of subjugation by the Mandalorians, they devolved into the bestial creatures referred to as Lagartoz War Dragons.
Hailing from the Core Worlds region of the galaxy, the Basiliskans were an intelligent and technologically advanced lizard species from the planet Basilisk. They were responsible for the creation of the Basilisk war droids. In 4017 BBY, during their conflict with the Mandalorians, the Basiliskans resorted to chemically poisoning their own world, preventing its capture by their enemies.

Subsequent to the war, the Mandalorians enslaved the Basiliskans, transporting them to Mandalore shortly before commencing their campaign against the Mandallian Giants. Over countless generations, the Basiliskans underwent a transformation, forfeiting their intelligence and technological skills, ultimately becoming rudimentary beasts known as Lagartoz War Dragons. Possessing resilient hides, formidable claws, relative intelligence, and ease of training, the Lagartoz War Dragons proved to be a powerful asset in both aerial and ground combat during later conflicts, such as the battle against the forces of the Dark Underlord in the New Sith Wars. They also gained popularity as pets among the Mandalorians.
In the early years of the Galactic Empire, Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed a pair of Lagartoz War Dragons swiftly navigating between skyhoppers in the skies above Nar Shaddaa while conversing with the Jedi-turned-beggar Vima-Da-Boda.
The concept of the Lagartoz War Dragon originated from an uncaptioned piece of splash art by Paul Daly for West End Games' Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, depicting a Mandalorian riding a dragon-like mount.