Bastila Shan, during the time of the Jedi Civil War, possessed a lightsaber that was double-bladed.
Bastila is seen with her lightsaber during the Skirmish aboard the Leviathan.
For a period, she wielded a lightsaber with a single yellow blade, but following the supposed "death" of Revan, she switched to using a double-bladed version. After the assault on the Endar Spire, Brejik discovered it while salvaging her escape pod. Later, Revan recovered it and returned it to Shan after killing Brejik in the aftermath of the Taris swoop race. When Darth Malak captured her, turning her into a Sith apprentice, she replaced the yellow crystal within the lightsaber with a red one.

Within both Knights of the Old Republic games, the hilt design of Bastila Shan's lightsaber is shared amongst all characters who use a double-bladed lightsaber.
The Knights of the Old Republic II Prima Guide indicates that players could potentially acquire Bastila's lightsaber by confronting and defeating the apparition of Darth Revan inside Ludo Kressh's tomb on Korriban. However, the actual game provides a random lightsaber type with a random crystal (consistent with other instances in the game). The reference to Bastila's lightsaber may be attributed to either an error by the author or a reference to content that was cut.