Battle droid commander (Dorin)

A battle droid commander functioned as an officer within the Separatist Droid Army throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. During 21 BBY, this battle droid operated under the command of the Confederate General Grievous during the conflict known as the Battle of Dorin. When Grievous instructed the commander to intensify their assault, as an act of vengeance against the indigenous Kel Dors of Dorin for their continued loyalty to the Galactic Republic, the Commander dispatched commando droids with orders to eliminate any remaining survivors of the battle. However, the Republic fleet's retaliatory strike, spearheaded by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, compelled the Separatists to withdraw their forces from the planet.


Throughout the Clone Wars, a commander type battle droid was a member of the Droid Army belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Commander participated in the battle of Dorin in 21 BBY, an offensive initiated by Confederate General Grievous. This droid was positioned on the surface of the planet Dorin, where the droid's forces began to overwhelm the defending Kel Dors. Subsequently, the Commander directed the attack against the civilian population of Dorin, resulting in significant devastation and numerous Kel Dor casualties. Grievous, who was monitoring the battle from his command ship in orbit, then contacted the droid and instructed it to intensify the attack as punishment for the planet's inhabitants remaining loyal to the Galactic Republic. Consequently, the Commander deployed several BX-series droid commandos to locate and kill any surviving individuals. Soon after, Grievous received information that a Republic task force was en route to assist the Kel Dors, leading him to order a retreat of his ground troops. Although the General prepared his droid starfighters to defend against the Republic's assault, the Republic task force successfully destroyed a significant number of Grievous' ships and forced the remaining fleet, including Grievous himself, to flee Dorin.


This battle droid, serving as a field commander during the battle of Dorin, executed General Grievous's orders with unwavering obedience, causing widespread destruction among Dorin's civilian population. When Grievous explicitly expressed his desire for the extermination of all Kel Dors, the Commander readily complied, displaying no signs of regret when dispatching commando droids to pursue and eliminate those who had survived the battle.

Behind the scenes

This particular battle droid commander was only featured in a script presented at the 2009 Star Wars Fan Days III convention; this script served as a prologue to "Landing at Point Rain," which was the fifth episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television program. The droid had a brief, one-time speaking role in the script. Given the absence of any specific characteristic details about the Commander within the script, no assumptions can be made regarding the droid's specific model or its gender programming.


  • Fan Days Script: A Prelude to "Point Rain" on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
