Battle of Aduba-3

The clash known as the Battle of Aduba-3 involved a small group of Star-Hoppers, assembled by Han Solo, against the Cloud-Riders commanded by Serji-X Arrogantus.


Following the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance gave Han Solo an award. However, before he could pay off Jabba the Hutt, Crimson Jack and his pirate gang robbed Solo. Opting to lie low for a period, Han arrived on the remote planet of Aduba-3. There, he assisted Pera in burying a cyborg and was employed by Ramiz, a local moisture farmer, to defend the village from the Cloud-Riders. Solo then gathered a team consisting of Jaxxon, a Lepi, Hedji, Don-Wan Kihotay, a Force-sensitive librarian who believed himself to be the last Jedi Knight, Amaiza Foxtrain, the leader of the Black Hole Gang, Jimm Doshun, a local boy who called himself the Starkiller kid, and his droid Effie.

High-hounds and the Old One

Before the Star-Hoppers could confront Serji-X, High-hounds ambushed them. The group used their skills to overcome the birdlike scavengers and rescue Merri, who then led the Star-Hoppers to the village. Once there, Han Solo encountered the Old One, a mystic or shaman who claimed Solo could defeat Serji-X by summoning the Behemoth he had discovered years prior to protect the village. However, Solo dismissed this as a mere fairytale. As the Old One left, the Cloud-Riders launched their attack.

The Conflict

A fierce exchange of fire erupted between the Cloud-Riders and the Star-Hoppers. Chewbacca took down at least one Cloud-rider, and Effie was destroyed after sacrificing himself to shield Jimm from a blaster shot. Amaiza eliminated another Cloud-rider before being captured by a third. Don-Wan Kihotay later rescued Amaiza but was shot in the back himself and believed to be dead by the others. As the battle raged on, the Old One demonstrated his abilities as a shaman and summoned the Behemoth from the World Below.

Battling the Behemoth

The creature began to eliminate Cloud-riders as Han and the others observed. Don-Wan Kihotay revealed that his armor had saved him from certain death. Realizing he could not harm the beast, Serji-X decided to kill the Old One who controlled it. However, the Behemoth killed them both. With their leader gone, the remaining Cloud-Riders quickly fell victim to the monster. Now uncontrolled, the monster attacked the Star-Hoppers and killed Hedji. Don-Wan tried to defeat the Behemoth alone, but Han sensed that the old man was too slow, so he seized Don-Wan's lightsaber and used it to slay the creature.

The Result

Following the battle, the Star-Hoppers received their compensation and went their separate ways. Jimm Doshun remained in the village and eventually married Merri, Jaxxon and Amaiza Foxtrain established a business at Jaxxon's former residence on Nar Shaddaa and began a smuggling operation, Don-Wan Kihotay traveled to Telos IV to recuperate, and Han Solo and Chewbacca departed Aduba-3 to rejoin Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia on Yavin 4, only to be captured once more by Crimson Jack.

