The Battle of Altyr V represents one of the initial armed conflicts that occurred between the New Republic and the Dark Empire. This battle was a component of the Operation Shadow Hand military campaign.
Altyr V became a contested zone for the struggling New Republic. However, surviving elements of the Empire determined that it presented an opportune target to impede the Republic's progress. To achieve this, they repurposed a pair of asteroids located within the Altyr system into bombardment platforms, with the intention of seizing control of the planet for use as a strategic outpost.
At the time of the assault, New Republic operatives Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade were present at the station, engaged in lightsaber combat training exercises.
The New Republic commander informed the pair that a couple of asteroids had established an orbital pattern around the planet, initiating a bombardment while simultaneously deploying stormtroopers onto the surface. Additional enemy forces were projected to arrive within two hours, effectively sealing the fate of the base. Katarn proposed a strategy involving the acquisition of an enemy landing craft, which could then be used to infiltrate the asteroid and neutralize the threat. Mara Jade remained behind to oversee the defensive operations.
Katarn proceeded through the base, offering assistance to the Republic soldiers. During his movement within the base, he inadvertently caused a stored A-wing to fall, crushing a group of stormtroopers. As the influx of stormtroopers continued, the Republic commander instructed Kyle to secure the blast doors. However, a TIE/sa bomber managed to breach the doors just before their closure. Undeterred, Katarn pressed forward, defeating several stormtroopers and AT-STs while restoring power to various sections of the base. Ultimately, he reached the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, eliminating the stormtroopers guarding it. He then piloted the shuttle to the asteroid base. Upon arrival, he fought his way through the enemy personnel until he reached the firing control center, where he directed the asteroid's weapons to destroy the other asteroid. Subsequently, he initiated the asteroid's self-destruct sequence and evacuated.
In the aftermath of the battle, the New Republic completed the evacuation of the Altyr V base. Katarn and Jade parted ways, as Katarn had uncovered concealed references to the hidden temple located on Dromund Kaas and expressed his desire to investigate it, while entrusting Jade with the responsibility of aiding the New Republic.