Altyr V was known as the fifth planet located within the Altyr system, according to planet records.
During the Clone Wars, Altyr V chose to secede and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A battle occurred on Altyr V, where Clone commander Deviss and his troops successfully eliminated the Separatist ion cannon that had been set up there. With the cannon out of commission, the Grand Army of the Republic was successful in defeating the Separatist forces and regaining control of Altyr V for the Republic.
When the Galactic Empire came into power, they assumed control of the planet, incorporating it into Oversector Outer. As the Empire's stability declined towards the end of the Galactic Civil War, the New Republic established a base on Altyr V. In the year 10 ABY, Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn, holding the rank of Captain, was stationed on the planet alongside his temporary apprentice, Mara Jade. During their time there, the Dark Empire initiated an assault on the planet. Republic forces discovered that the Imperial Remnant had deployed two modified asteroids, using them to bombard the planet and suppress Republic forces in preparation for a large-scale attack. Katarn managed to infiltrate one of the asteroids, redirecting its weapon to destroy the other asteroid. Subsequently, he sabotaged the cooling system of the asteroid he was on, destroying it while narrowly escaping. It was during this mission that he became aware of an Imperial presence on Dromund Kaas, which ultimately led to his encounter with the Dark side of the Force.
Following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Altyr V was given representation within the Galactic Alliance Senate. During the Second Galactic Civil War, Altyr V's representatives voiced their disapproval of the Galactic Alliance Guards' raids targeting Corellian citizens on Coruscant, and they later aligned themselves with the Confederation.
The planet known as Altyr V was initially created for the expansion pack known as Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith. Later, it was included on a map illustrating the Second Galactic Civil War within the reference book The Essential Atlas.