The pivotal clash during the Stranglethorn crisis was the Battle of Bright Tree Village. It pitted the Ewoks residing in Bright Tree Village against a wildly overgrown stranglethorn.
An incident within the dwelling of the Shaman Logray triggered the events. Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka accidentally spilled a vial of plant growth formula onto a young stranglethorn. This resulted in the plant experiencing accelerated growth, ultimately engulfing the entire village. The stranglethorn sprouted multiple additional heads and began pursuing the Ewoks. Before long, almost all of the village's key structures were surrounded by the stranglethorn, trapping the Ewoks in a struggle against the ever-expanding vines.
Furthermore, the stranglethorn was attempting to reach the forest floor situated beneath the village to establish roots. If the stranglethorn gained increased soil, it would facilitate unstoppable growth, sending the Ewoks into a panic as they tried to prevent the carnivorous plant from reaching the village's base.
Upon recognizing the gravity of the situation, Chief Chirpa gathered the village's warriors to confront the stranglethorn. However, they were outmatched by its sheer size and strength. The stranglethorn effortlessly ensnared the Ewoks with its vine tendrils, and even the formidable Ewok warrior Paploo fell victim to the massive plant. With no resistance, the stranglethorn began capturing the tribe's woklings, confining them to the highest point of the village, presumably as a food reserve. Having seized control of the village, the plant struggled to reach the ground, but Chief Chirpa, Logray, and the Ewok warriors fiercely fought to prevent it from doing so.
Simultaneously, the plant's efforts had made it hungry, and it started consuming the contents of the Ewok bakery. The Ewok warrior, Willy Warrick, valiantly defended the bakery, managing to retrieve a significant portion of the remaining food from the plant's grasp. Nevertheless, the plant's superior strength and size eventually overwhelmed the Ewok, forcing him to retreat. As the Ewoks continued their struggle, Wicket W. Warrick and Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, who had been on a quest to locate the ingredients for an antidote to the plant growth formula, returned. Although they had failed to gather all the necessary ingredients, they had devised a plan to retrieve the antidote stored in Logray's hut.
With the assistance of the Tromes, a group of small humanoids encountered during their quest, Wicket managed to distract the plant and sneak inside. Wicket secured the antidote and returned to the ground, where the stranglethorn had come within mere feet of reaching the forest floor. Despite Chirpa's continued efforts, Logray had become hopelessly entangled by the stranglethorn, and it seemed only a matter of time before the plant would overpower them. To administer the antidote, Wicket and the Tromes gathered a collection of acorns and applied the antidote to them. The group then distributed one acorn to each stranglethorn head, causing them to shrink instantly. As the antidote continued to be distributed, more and more Ewok warriors were freed from their struggles with the vine and joined in distributing the acorns to the stranglethorn. Shortly thereafter, the stranglethorn had been completely neutralized, reverting to its original small size. As Wicket raised the defeated plant above his head, the Ewoks erupted in a triumphant cheer, having overcome the deadly plant.
Concurrently, Kneesaa had ascended to the village's summit to rescue the captive woklings. Despite being attacked by a remaining stranglethorn, the Ewok Princess managed to seal its mouth shut by feeding it a sticky substance from her bag. As the victory celebrations subsided, Kneesaa arrived with the rescued woklings, marking the battle's conclusion.
Following the plant's defeat, Kneesaa was compelled to apologize to the tribe for her carelessness in initiating the crisis. However, the Princess was forgiven when it became evident that her actions during the battle and the entire crisis had enabled her to learn the Three Lessons, a code that every aspiring Ewok leader must master. This news delighted Chirpa, who declared that Kneesaa would make an excellent Chieftess after his departure.