Following their departure from the Mission to Sernpidal, the Yuuzhan Vong relentlessly pursued the Millennium Falcon and the other escaping starships, triggering the Battle of Dubrillion.
Lando Calrissian received a warning about the impending arrival of the Vong forces, and preparations were immediately made for combat.
Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, and Anakin Solo piloted modified TIE Advanced x1s, but were instructed to remain close to the surface of Dubrillion, sheltered by the protective shields of Belt-Runner I. Above them, Kyp Durron, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo engaged in battle aboard the Millennium Falcon, alongside the fighters that Calrissian had successfully gathered.
Tragically, Belt-Runner I was destroyed, eliminating the shields that protected the Solo children. After initially fighting near the surface, they ascended, drawing the Yuuzhan Vong forces away from Dubrillion and toward Lando's Folly. Skillfully navigating through the asteroids, they utilized the Force as their guide, inflicting significant damage on the invading force. This proved overwhelming for Anakin Solo, who lost focus and inadvertently initiated a blind hyperspace jump. Fortunately, his parents, arriving in the system aboard his ship, Calrissian Runner, emerged from hyperspace to rescue him. While they returned, the victory was tinged with sorrow.

The New Jedi Order Sourcebook erroneously identifies the ships piloted by the Solo children during this battle as TIE/IN interceptors. However, they actually flew TIE Advanced x1 starfighters, as originally depicted in The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, where the Battle of Dubrillion was first introduced.