The conflict known as the Battle of Endor took place in 3 ABY. It was a localized engagement between the Ewoks residing in Bright Tree Village and the Sanyassan Marauders who occupied Terak's Keep.
This battle was sparked by King Terak's insistent demand for "the power" that was contained within the Towani family's starcruiser. He intended to utilize this power source to energize his own vessel. Consequently, he and his forces launched an assault on Bright Tree Village, successfully seizing "the power" along with Cindel Towani (whose family had been murdered by Terak's troops) and numerous Ewoks. Although Cindel and the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick managed to escape, Terak imprisoned the remaining captives within the dungeons of Terak's Keep. Following an encounter with Noa Briqualon, Noa spearheaded a counterattack, accompanied by Cindel and Wicket, infiltrating Terak's Keep. There, they liberated the imprisoned Ewoks and returned to Bright Tree Village. Enraged, Terak led his troops back to the village, resulting in a direct confrontation between the Sanyassans and the Ewoks. Noa strategically divided the Ewoks into two groups: one to remain with him in the starcruiser, and the other to engage the Marauders on foot.
Throughout the duration of the battle, the Ewoks employed every available resource to withstand Terak's assault until Noa successfully activated the starcruiser. Various implements were utilized, including spears, bows and arrows, stones, and a catapult. Once the starcruiser became operational, the Ewoks gained a strategic advantage. The Marauders were unable to endure the intensity of the laser turrets mounted on Noa's ship, which forced them into retreat. This ultimately culminated in a direct confrontation between Noa and Terak, during which they engaged in a fierce swordfight. Terak reiterated his demand for "the power", this time threatening Cindel's life. Noa appeared poised to surrender "the power". However, just as the exchange was about to occur, Noa struck Terak with his walking stick, causing him to stumble. Terak unsheathed his sword and initiated a duel. Terak soon gained the upper hand and was about to strike Noa down when Teek saved his companion by jumping on Terak's head, unbalancing him, and Wicket used his sling-shot to knock the magical stone out of Terak's ring, which caused him to burn-up from inside, and ultimately die. The remaining Sanyassans retreated, securing a victory for the Ewoks. Subsequently, Noa and Cindel bid farewell to their Ewok allies, powered up Noa's ship, and departed from the Endor moon, promising to return at some point in the future.