The conflict on Juma 9 transpired circa 22 BBY during the period of the Clone Wars, specifically on the space station known as Juma 9. The Skakoan scientist named Kul Teska spearheaded an assault on the station, commanding CIS battle droids.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems began their attack utilizing a Munificent-class star frigate in conjunction with Droch-class boarding ships. These boarding vessels deployed battle droids, super battle droids, and droidekas. Kul Teska, accompanied by chameleon droids, also infiltrated the station. Teska proceeded towards the communications hub, while the chameleon droids stealthily advanced toward the station's reactor.
Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon happened to be present on the station and swiftly responded to the threat. These two Jedi Generals traversed the facility, offering assistance to any clone troops encountered along the way. Eventually, the Jedi reached the station's hangar. There, Plo Koon issued an order for all pilots to report to their respective ships. As they cleared the hangar of droid forces, Kenobi established communication with clone trooper commander CC-2224, known as Cody, via his comlink. Kenobi instructed Cody to redirect power to fortify the space station's shields. Cody acknowledged the order and alerted General Kenobi to the presence of droids in proximity to the reactor.
Cody led a small squad of clones towards the generator room with the objective of re-routing power to the shields. The group engaged in combat, overcoming numerous battle droids to reach the generator. They then employed slicing techniques on several consoles to allocate additional power to the shields. Simultaneously, Kenobi and Koon made their way to the reactor. Upon arrival, they discovered and neutralized the chameleon droids, preventing any further damage to the reactor. After securing the reactor core, the Jedi proceeded to the communications center. Kul Teska noticed their arrival and terminated his communication with Separatist leader Count Dooku. The Jedi attempted to apprehend Teska, but he managed to create a diversion by detonating explosives strategically placed throughout the space station.
As the explosions reverberated throughout the station, Kenobi instructed Cody to proceed to the escape pods. Cody complied, ensuring that several other clone troopers were safely aboard escape pods first. However, the final pod Cody attempted to launch malfunctioned and was unable to depart autonomously. A clone known as Switch volunteered to remain behind on the station to manually launch the pod.
Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi ultimately cornered Teska within a room featuring windows. During the ensuing confrontation, Teska deployed chameleon droids in an attempt to gain an advantage over the Jedi, but his efforts proved futile. The Jedi successfully forced the Skakoan through an open window and sealed it shut, resulting in the loss of both of their lightsabers. Kenobi and Koon found themselves trapped within the chamber. Teska, however, survived the vacuum of space and journeyed to Ryloth.
Later, Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Kit Fisto arrived with reinforcements to conduct a rescue mission. After battling their way through the station and rescuing Switch, they reached the control room. Meanwhile, clone trooper commanders Ponds and Cody searched the exterior of the space station for any remaining droids and discovered Plo Koon's and Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsabers adrift in space.