Much like the numerous space stations either constructed or adapted for military use during the Clone Wars, Juma 9 was established as a strategic outpost for the Galactic Republic. Its primary function was to support the Grand Army of the Republic in their efforts to free adjacent star systems, with Ryloth being a key target. The station served as a base of operations for both Aren Bron, a cryptologist, and the 212th Attack Battalion during the Battle of Ryloth, remaining in use for a brief time until the events of the Battle of Behpour. While stationed there, Separatist forces, led by Kul Teska, launched an attack on the station. Following the disappearance of Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Masters Kit Fisto and Mace Windu arrived at the station and located Private Switch. Subsequently, Ponds discovered Cody along with three additional troopers.