Battle of Kli'aar

The naval engagement known as the Battle of Kli'aar represented one of three diversionary assaults launched by the Rebel Alliance fleet. These attacks were designed to support the primary fleet as it carried out the evacuation of Yavin 4. In the six months following the Battle of Yavin, three separate Mon Calamari fleets engaged Imperial units at Kli'aar, Pinoora, and the Vallusk Cluster – all locations within the Blockade of Yavin. Despite these coordinated attacks, Admiral Amise Griff, the commander overseeing the blockade, recognized the true nature of the offensive. Consequently, he declined to reinforce the besieged Imperial forces. Instead, Griff moved to intercept the Alliance's escape path within the Tertiary Feswe system, though the Rebel forces ultimately succeeded in their withdrawal at Feswe Prime.

