The conflict known as the Battle of Nizon transpired sometime following the conclusion of the Clone Wars. The Alderaanian Resistance provided assistance to the Nizon resistance in their efforts to expel the Galactic Empire, along with their Trandoshan slaver collaborators, from Nizon.
Jedi Master Denia dispatched a team consisting of spacers to the planet Nizon. Their mission was to provide support to the enslaved Nazren people in their fight against the Galactic Empire. Upon their arrival, the spacers successfully made contact with Sartok, the imprisoned leader of the rebellion. Sartok was able to transmit a signal to the resistance fighters nearby, instructing them to commence their attack.
Motivated to combat the Imperial oppression, substantial numbers of native Nazren initiated riots within the confines of Nizon's sole city. These individuals formed groups and launched assaults on Imperial patrols. This action forced the patrols to engage the rioters, consequently weakening the Imperial defenses due to the reduced personnel available. The city streets became filled with debris during the battle, as Imperial artillery units bombarded the surrounding structures. This bombardment resulted in the destruction of buildings and the entrapment of numerous civilian Nazren within. A crucial intersection, which was defended by AT-RT walkers, was successfully captured. This capture enabled the two largest resistance groups to unite and establish a more organized front. Later on, intense combat took place in Martyr's Plaza, where an AT-ST and three laser turret emplacements were destroyed.
As the battle neared its conclusion, and after the resistance had spread across the entire planet, a group of spacers, who were allied with the Alderaanian resistance movement, aided the Nazren rebels in seizing control of the anti-orbital defense systems. This achievement allowed them to gain a strategic advantage over the Imperial forces, ultimately compelling the Imperials to evacuate the planet.
The Empire, recognizing the potentially high costs associated with reclaiming the planet, made the decision to abandon Nizon. The citizens of Nizon then prepared to finalize the defensive measures that the Imperials had attempted to establish, with the intention of utilizing them for their own protection.