Battle of Orto

The Battle of Orto, a conflict primarily occurring during the final week of the Clone Wars, represented an operation by the Republic aimed at ousting the newly formed, unlawfully Confederacy-sympathetic government of Orto.


The events that led to the battle began several months before the full-scale Republic attack. Based on intelligence suggesting that a government official on neutral Orto was secretly planning to align with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi Nem Bees adopted the identity of the late trader Ydde and went to the planet with the intention of uncovering the traitor.

The battle

Nem Bees and Ortolan civilians witness the invasion.

Nem arrived too late; when Financial Minister Belo Tusus publicly declared his loyalty to the Confederacy, Bees, disguising himself as a frightened civilian, watched as battle droids flooded the capital. He remained hidden for several months, performing acts of sabotage to disrupt the Confederacy's operations, until he found an opportunity to summon Republic forces.

Bees then went to the Ortolan palace to disable the planetary shield generator, which allowed the forces, under the command of Commander Deviss, to land. Subsequently, he met with Deviss and K Company, and together they commenced the process of expelling the deeply entrenched droid army from the system. One week later, Order 66 was executed. While leading an assault on enemy positions, Deviss and his squad turned on Bees and killed him.

