The Battle of Polneye stands out as the sole engagement during the Yevethan Purge where local opposition led to a Yevethan fatality.
For the assault on Polneye, three Duskhan League warships were deployed: _Devotion_, Honor, and Liberty_. It's known that at least one of these ships was a Victory-class Star Destroyer, although the specific vessel remains unidentified. Upon their arrival, the Yevethan warships detected an atmospheric ionization field that scrambled sensors, hindering accurate bombardment of surface targets. To ensure the mission's success without delay, a trio of TIE/rc starfighters were deployed as spotting units.
Although ground-based traffic control systems picked up the TIE/rc scouts, the local population didn't understand their purpose. Shortly after, orbital turbolaser attacks began on Polneye's urban centers, with the scouts providing guidance and adjustments. Four out of six defensive TIE/In interceptors, piloted by inexperienced Polneyi pilots including Plat Mallar, launched to confront the scouts. Plat Mallar managed to destroy one TIE/rc, but the remaining Polneyi TIE/In interceptors were destroyed before they could achieve any kills.
The turbolaser barrage persisted until all targets on the surface were destroyed. Out of Polneye's eight primary cities, only Ten South survived the bombardment. Before the battle concluded, a troop transport landed to seize droids and equipment for the Duskhan League's captured yards and vessels. Plat Mallar managed to escape Polneye and was eventually found by units of the New Republic Fifth Battle Group. His account of the battle brought the Yevethan Purge to light, ultimately leading to the New Republic's formal declaration of war against the Duskhan League.