Battle of Sarm

A clash transpired in the year 36 ABY amidst the Swarm War. During this time, Luke Skywalker pursued Lomi Plo to the planet Sarm, only for her to flee onward to Tenupe.


In conjunction with numerous other Jedi Knights, Luke Skywalker initiated a mission, accompanied by his spouse, Mara Jade, and his nephew, Jacen Solo, targeting the Gorog nest ship located at Sarm. This action ignited the clash, all in an effort to eliminate Lomi Plo. Inside the nest ship, Luke engaged Plo in a duel, while Mara and Jacen confronted her Dark Nest forces. The confrontation culminated in both Mara and Jacen sustaining severe injuries inflicted by Plo herself. These wounds would have proven fatal if the Gorog nest ship had not been collapsing due to the Jedi's offensive. Plo successfully escaped, and the surviving Jedi, including Luke, Mara, and Jacen, also managed to escape.

