Battle of unidentified planet (bubble wort projectors)

In the year 19 BBY, coinciding with the era of the Clone Wars, a skirmish unfolded on an unnamed icy world involving forces of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This confrontation was an element of the broader Outer Rim Sieges campaign within the war. Jedi Masters Aayla Secura, Voolvif Monn, and Agen Kolar found themselves engaged in combat on this planet against a quartet of LM-432 crab droids, who managed to subdue the Jedi utilizing bubble wort projectors. However, the timely arrival of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker turned the tide, as he skillfully cleaved through the droid opposition with his lightsaber and liberated his comrades from their confinement using the Force.

The battle

During 19 BBY, the concluding year of the Clone Wars, Jedi Generals Aayla Secura, Voolvif Monn, and Agen Kolar participated in a combat engagement situated on a frozen planet. This battle was a component of the Republic's strategic Outer Rim Sieges initiative. As the conflict unfolded, the Jedi warriors clashed with a group comprised of four LM-432 crab droids. These crab droids employed their blasters in an attempt to overcome the Jedi, who retaliated by using their lightsabers to deflect the incoming blaster fire. Subsequently, one of the crab droids activated its bubble wort projector, successfully trapping Kolar within its energy field. Two additional droids followed suit, capturing both Monn and Secura in a similar manner. However, at this critical juncture, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker made his entrance, promptly disabling one of the droids by severing its leg with his lightsaber. Skywalker then hurled the severed limb at the second droid, resulting in its destruction as well. Following this, Skywalker proceeded to dismantle the remaining two droids and skillfully employed the Force to release his fellow Jedi, who expressed their gratitude for the young Jedi's heroic actions.

Behind the scenes

The battle on the icy planet was featured in the twenty-second episode of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television show, which was initially broadcast on March 22, 2005. This episode marked the debut appearance of the LM-432 crab droids, which later made subsequent appearances in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The droids' bubble-based weapon system used during the battle was later officially designated as the "bubble wort projector" within the Databank entry. A damaged Lucrehulk-class Core Ship can also be observed in the background of the scene. Nevertheless, it is currently uncertain whether the damage sustained by the vessel was a direct consequence of this specific battle.

