Bayaar was an Ansionian male, functioning as both a sentry and scout for the Situng Borokii clan. This clan belonged to the Alwari nomads, who traversed the hilly regions and expansive plains of the planet Ansion. These events unfolded during the Separatist Crisis, preceding the Clone Wars.
As the commander of the Borokii overclan guard, Bayaar extended a welcome to Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luminara Unduli, along with their respective Padawans, upon their arrival on Ansion. The Jedi had journeyed to mediate a border dispute between the nomadic Alwari tribes and the planetary government, known as the Unity of Community, just before the Clone Wars began. The purpose of this diplomatic endeavor was to avert Ansion's secession from the Galactic Republic—a scheme orchestrated by the Sith and the Commerce Guild—which threatened to trigger the departure of numerous other interconnected star systems.
To enable the Jedi to secure the necessary tuft of albino surepp fur for the Council of Elders, Bayaar provided Jedi Master Unduli with a Borokii knife. He was rendered speechless upon witnessing Unduli's success and brushed aside the loss of his knife. He then remarked that his offworlder companions possessed considerable power, assuring them that he would remember the moment to tell his grandchildren. After assisting them in preparing for their meeting with the Borokii elders, Bayaar later informed the Jedi of the council's decision, following their deliberations, to accept the terms of the Jedi's proposal aimed at ensuring Ansion's continued membership in the Republic.
Serving as the foremost warrior of the Situng Borokii subclan, Bayaar also led the honor guard for the Jedi as they returned to Cuipernam. Their objective was to influence the final secession vote, as the ambassadors from Coruscant had now reached the desired agreement with the Alwari overclans. During their journey to the municipal hall, where the Unity Council was in session, Bayaar and his forces successfully defended the Jedi diplomats against thugs employed by Soergg the Hutt and his majordomo Ogomoor. These individuals had been commissioned by Commerce Guild Presidente Shu Mai to obstruct any Jedi intervention in the secession vote.
Bayaar exhibited a confident, brave, and also a friendly and affable nature that inspired the Jedi, who quickly developed an affection for him. Maintaining a professional attitude, he and his guards, in contrast to the initially distrustful Yiwa clan, displayed neither suspicion nor fear towards strangers.
However, Bayaar felt somewhat uneasy in his role as a diplomatic intermediary between the Borokii Council of Elders and his Jedi guests. He would have preferred to be patrolling the prairie, weapon in hand. Nevertheless, Bayaar found himself rather fond of the "squinty-eyed offworlders" entrusted to his care, and the thought of any harm befalling them deeply concerned him. He was also greatly pleased with the ingenious outcome of the Borokii-Januul skirmish, orchestrated by the Jedi to "set an example" for both overclans: not one warrior sustained injuries or death, despite Bayaar's expectation of losing many friends that day, both from his clan and among the offworlders.
In his capacity as sentry leader, Bayaar was elaborately adorned in lightweight armor that shone brightly in the sunlight. His six-guard outrider patrol, which initially greeted the Jedi, rode impressively outfitted sadain mounts and carried traditional long knives and Malarian laser pistols. As proud generational warriors, the members of his troop "sat imperiously in their saddles."