A male Gungan from Otolla, known as Been, served on the Gungan High Council during both the Invasion of Naboo and the Galactic Civil War era, which saw conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.

Been functioned as the preserver of the Gungans' historical records, possessing knowledge of numerous concealed Gungan refuges. During the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, Been gave his support to Boss Rugor Nass's choice to move the Otoh Gunga populace to the sacred place; he later concurred with Nass on the importance of establishing an alliance with Queen Padmé Amidala.
Been was still present at the sacred place during the Galactic Civil War, some time after 0 BBY. At that time, he enlisted the services of a spacer who sympathized with the Rebellion. The spacer's initial assignment involved recovering documents from Boona Tanje. After the successful completion of this task, Been assigned the spacer three subsequent missions. The following mission required escorting a Human female named Reefa Been back to the sacred place. Despite an ambush by four bandits, Reefa was safely returned. The spacer was then instructed to assassinate the bandit leader and escort an individual named Vajoo Jinssa back to the sacred place. Once more, the spacer did not disappoint Been.
Been was featured in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies as a Non-Player Character (NPC) at the Gungan sacred place point of interest. Players could accept a string of quests from Been that included basic kill, escort, or delivery objectives. A large portion of his quest dialogue had bugs, and Been was ultimately taken out of the game.