Belezaboth Ourn

Ourn, Belezaboth, was a Paqwe male and functioned as a diplomat.


Ourn held the position of Extraordinary Consul of the Paqwepori and served as the leader of the Paqwe delegation to the New Republic. During the diversionary negotiations between Nil Spaar and the New Republic, Ourn was enlisted to act as a spy for the Yevethan Viceroy. Nil Spaar offered Ourn an Aramadia-class thrustship in return for providing information about the Fifth Battle Group's movements and enabling Mother's Valkyrie to sustain damage during Aramadia's withdrawal from Coruscant. Following Han Solo's capture, which resulted from Ourn's espionage, Ilar Paqwe discovered Ourn's activities, leading to the entire crew of Mother's Valkyrie being disciplined and having their ranks reduced. Ourn's title was also taken away. Unable to face returning to his home planet in disgrace, he surrendered to the New Republic authorities, confessed to his spying, and gave them the black box communication device that he had used to communicate with the Viceroy. After he detailed his actions, Chief of State Leia Organa Solo assaulted him, rendering him unconscious.

