Beltek'k served as a Gatemaster for the Gree Enclave in the era of the Cold War. In this period, Asation suffered an assault from Kephess, an agent of the Dread Masters who sought to spread terror across the galaxy. Consequently, the changed Trandoshan seized command of the Grand Hypergate, generating a tear in hyperspace that unleashed a multitude of dangerous creatures. Therefore, in a moment of dire need, the Gree sent Gatemaster Beltek'k, whose responsibility it was to safeguard the Hypergate. This led him to travel to the Galactic Republic to seek assistance from various spacefarers in order to reverse the damage inflicted upon Asation before it became irreversible. After this mission was accomplished, the Gatemaster, together with other Gree officials, chose to recognize the spacers by bestowing upon them the Red Rhombus designation.