Bendodi Ballow-Reese, who served as the most senior member of the team located at the research facility ExGal-4 on Belkadan in the year 25 ABY, previously fought as a soldier for the Rebel Alliance during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Bendodi was a member of a scientific team comprised of four individuals that embarked on a mission to investigate a massive storm occurring on the planet. As they drew closer to the storm, the atmosphere, which was being influenced by the infiltrator Yomin Carr's dweebits, became progressively more poisonous. The team experienced difficulties in their attempt to return to the outpost after their discovery of the storm, as their supply of oxygen was running dangerously low. Understanding that the entire group would not be able to make it back to the base, Bendodi selflessly provided his oxygen supply to Jerem Cadmir, and then fled into the jungle in order to meet his end. Luther De'Ono, a comrade of Bendodi, pursued him, pleading with him not to end his own suicide, but Bendodi shot him. Shortly afterward, Bendodi took his own life by shooting himself.