
A bes'bev functioned as a flute within the traditional culture of the Mandalorians. Constructed from beskar iron, this instrument served a dual purpose, acting as both a musical device and a melee weapon. One end of the bes'bev was honed to a sharp point, resembling the tip of a quill stylus, which made it effective for stabbing and drawing blood. Furthermore, its robust and sturdy construction allowed it to be wielded as a club if necessary.

By 20 BBY, the soldier Wad'e Tay'haai, a Mandalorian, had obtained a bes'bev of ancient origin. This flute of Tay'haai's displayed the same dark violet color as the plates of his Mandalorian armor, and he began carrying the instrument on his belt. Tay'haai demonstrated skill as a bes'bev musician, capable of playing various songs, notably the traditional Vode An. In 19 BBY, he performed at the home of Kal Skirata, a former Cuy'val Dar colleague, for the Skirata clan, and encouraged Skirata's adopted son Bardan Jusik to experiment with his bes'bev.

During the era of the Galactic Empire, the musical group Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids, operating underground, acquired a bes'bev and incorporated it into their performances. While touring to promote their debut album, the group engaged in conflict with their opening act, the band Dead Rebels. During Dead Rebels' performance of "Death Star Diva," their lead singer was struck unconscious with the bes'bev by a member of Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids.

Behind the scenes

The bes'bev made its initial appearance in the Star Wars universe within the Republic Commando novel Order 66, written by Karen Traviss and released on September 16, 2008. This Mandalorian instrument resurfaced in Traviss' subsequent novel, Imperial Commando: 501st. In 2014, a bes'bev received mention in Edward Erdelac's blog post titled Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.

