
title: Betsy

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Volo Madine, a miner, had a carrion spat named Betsy, who was female.


Back in 1 ABY, Volo Madine found himself on Dathomir for ore extraction purposes. It was during this time that an accident occurred at the nearby Imperial Research and Prison Facility. The Blackwing virus being researched there broke free, devastating the local population and transforming them into ravenous undead beings. When zombies attacked Volo Madine, Betsy came to his rescue. The carrion spat attacked the undead, creating an opportunity for her owner to get away. Madine, believing Betsy had been killed by the undead, was heartbroken. However, the carrion spat was able to evade the creatures and escape into the wilderness.

Subsequently, the Galactic Empire established a Quarantine Zone in an effort to control the spread of the infection. Madine became trapped inside this zone and eventually sought refuge in Camp Beta. Later, a spacer, while exploring the Quarantine Zone, stumbled upon Betsy, alive and well. The spacer decided to reunite the carrion spat with her owner, eventually locating Volo Madine at Camp Beta. The man was overjoyed to discover that his pet had survived and expressed his deep gratitude to the spacer.

Behind the scenes

Betsy made an appearance in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Betsy's inclusion in the game occurred with the release of "Game Update 14," also known as the "Death Troopers" update, on October 12, 2009.

