Bettie-Bot VJ

One particular droid from the LeisureMech Enterprises line of BD-3000 luxury droids, specifically the Bettie-Bot VJ, was in charge of a music program transmitted across the HoloNet on the Grand Army of the Republic broadcast system during the Clone Wars. The clone troopers stationed at Rishi Station were listening to her broadcast right before they fought for their lives in 22 BBY; during that time, she dedicated a song to the Mud-Jumpers of the 224th before her transmission was cut off when their commanding officer entered the room.


A BD-3000 luxury droid manufactured by LeisureMech Enterprises and programmed with a feminine personality, known by the nickname "Bettie-Bot," served as a "VJ" hosting a program on the Grand Army of the Republic broadcast which was transmitted via the HoloNet in 22 BBY. During her show, she played music for Republic clone troopers who were engaged in the Clone Wars.

A group of clones located at the Rishi Station listening post on the Rishi moon were tuned into the Bettie-Bot's program during their downtime. They were responsible for scanning the region to detect any Confederate forces heading towards the planet of Kamino. During the broadcast, the Bettie-Bot gave a shout-out and dedicated her next song to the 224th Mud-Jumpers unit, who were fighting on Mimban. However, the clones at Rishi Station were forced to shut down the holoprojector that was broadcasting Bettie-Bot's show in order to defend against a Confederate assault on the Rishi moon.


The Bettie-Bot was a BD-3000 luxury droid with a feminine personality program who was a broadcaster during the Clone Wars. She hosted her own show, working as a "VJ," on the Grand Army of the Republic broadcast channel of the HoloNet. She played songs for listeners, including clone troopers. Occasionally, she would dedicate a song to a specific person or group, as she did for the 224th. A BD-3000 possessed advanced linguistic capabilities, enabling it to translate 1.5 million forms of communication using its language processors.

While the Bettie-Bot's music was important for morale, some members of the Grand Army considered her jatz music to be old-fashioned and uninspired. These individuals were drawn to the CIS Shadowfeed instead, finding better musical selections such as the leap-jump remixes played by the Separatist propagandist known as "Ryloth Resa."

Behind the scenes

The Bettie-Bot, in her role as a "VJ," appears as a hologram in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series episode titled "Rookies," and her voice is provided by Gwendoline Yeo. This episode originally aired on October 24, 2008.

The character of Bettie-Bot has its roots in the conceptual phase of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Senator Bail Prestor Organa was initially intended to have a BD-3000 luxury droid assistant working in his office. George Lucas described this female droid as the automated equivalent of Bettie Page, a well-known pin-up model, which led to the name "Bettiebot." Although the scene was ultimately removed, the droid made a brief appearance in other scenes of the film.

