The Big Circle of Fun functioned as a sports venue. It was located in Arari, which served as the capital city for the planet of Blaudu Sextus. The Octusi, a species of semi-sentient centaur-like beings indigenous to Blaudu Octus, utilized this arena. They hosted both footraces and shoving competitions there. In the year 44 ABY, the Octusi mounted a peaceful protest against their enslavers. Consequently, a group of Mandalorian mercenaries was dispatched to the planet with the mission of subduing the Octusi. A few days into this uprising, thousands of Octusi congregated at the Big Circle of Fun. They intended to strategize their subsequent protest march and mend signs that sustained damage during their prior demonstration. However, the Mandalorians encircled the arena using QuickStryke assault sleds. Belok Rhal, the Mandalorian commander, then spoke to the Octusi Elder named Races-the-Water-Bringing-Wind. Rhal demanded that all Elders within the arena identify themselves to the Mandalorians. When the Elder refused to comply, Rhal fatally shot him. Following this, he murdered another Octusi Elder. These two fatalities triggered widespread panic among the Octusi present. They attempted to escape, but their path was obstructed by the Mandalorian assault sleds. Upon Rhal's command, the Mandalorians initiated gunfire upon the protesting slaves, resulting in a large-scale slaughter with numerous Octusi deaths.